Ting Fire-Prevention Sensor: Every Home Should Have One
While I eliminated many of my “smart home” devices in the past due to my poor Internet quality, one “smart” device I keep in my home is a Ting Fire-Prevention Sensor. It is developed by Whisker Labs, managed by my former manager and the former founders of the weather data company I work for. In fact, Ting was developed by the same scientist who also developed the global total lightning network for the weather company I work for.
Ting is super-easy to install. Simply plug it in, connect it to Wi-Fi, and register it in its mobile app. It’s truly “set it and forget it” in terms of setup.However, once you install Ting, the sensor continuously monitors your home for micro “arcing” that could cause an electrical fire. If it detects an issue, you will receive a call from the Ting Fire Safety Team to resolve the issue, with an up to $1,000 credit for professional remediation if needed. Ting can also monitor power quality issues that impact your home, as well as provides grid fault detection, live grid events, and a consumer power quality index on their website. Think of Ting as both an in-home virtual electrician and a “fitness tracker” for your electrical system.
Any customer can purchase Ting by visiting their website, although some major insurance providers are now providing Ting free to their customers as a preventative protection program. I would recommend checking out Ting’s website to see if your insurance provider offers it (if not, let your insurance provider know!), but I would recommend purchasing one even if it is not provided through your insurance provider (For a full disclaimer, I was an early tester of Ting, so I was provided a free test sensor early on, but my recommendation here is my honest opinion concerning Ting. I have not received compensation for my recommendation concerning Ting. I truly believe in the product!).
I was heavily interested in Ting because my power company sent multiple massive power surges into my home at one time, and I wanted a way to check to ensure there was not an issue with any micro arcing in my wiring that would cause a fire hazard. After installing Ting, it did the initial check the first week I had it installed, and now it continues to monitor my home 24/7. It is simply peace of mind to me knowing that Ting is monitoring my home for electrical fire safety. I would highly recommend every home have one, right up there next to smoke alarms and NOAA weather radios.
If you are looking for a good after-Christmas gift or New Year’s resolution, put one of Ting’s Fire-Prevention Sensors to work for you. You’ll be glad you did!